عرض المشاركات من مارس, ٢٠٢٣

Button Font

Button Font Thre Are Different aType of Font in Button Like Times, Helvetica, Serif, Verdana, Sans…

Button in Tkinter

Button in Tkinter Button widget is a standard Tkinter widget For Graphical User Interface(GUI),whi…

Layout manager Pack (Pading) in Ptyhon tkinter

Layout Manager in tkinter Python(pading) When you create graphical interfaces, the widgets in the…

Layout Manager in tkinter Python (Pack Fill)

Layout Manager in tkinter Python (Pack Fill) Layout Manager in tkinter Python When you create grap…

Layout Manager in tkinter Python (Pack SIDE)

Layout Manager in tkinter Python When you create graphical interfaces, the widgets in the window …

Layout Manager in tkinter Python (Pack)

Layout Manager in tkinter Python When you create graphical interfaces, the widgets in the window…

Layout Manager (pack, grid, and place)

Layout Manager (pack, grid, and place) When you create graphical interfaces, the widgets in the wi…

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